What is Outcomes Based Contracting

At the Center for OBC, we are not just innovating educational contracts; we’re transforming the way school districts and service providers collaborate to improve student outcomes. Established with the mission to uphold excellence and opportunity for all students in K-12 education, the Center for OBC empowers districts to contract for clear student outcomes and compels mutual accountability for achieving them.

The Urgency of Now:

Our education system faces a critical challenge: too many resources are spent on services that do not directly translate to improved student outcomes. Currently, many school districts pay external providers for their services regardless of whether those services actually enhance student performance. This represents a significant inefficiency and a missed opportunity. Every student deserves access to high-quality educational opportunities that genuinely prepare them for success. The Center for OBC is committed to addressing this gap by ensuring that investments in education are tied to measurable student outcomes.

Our Comprehensive Approach:

The Center for OBC answers this call by providing direct support, research insights, public resources, technical assistance, and cohort experiences that help districts build knowledge and implement services that achieve measurable, long-term student outcomes through the OBC model. This model involves setting clear, measurable expectations within contracts, where at least 40 percent of the overall payment to a provider is contingent on meeting agreed-upon student outcomes. This fosters a culture of mutual accountability and collaboration between school districts and providers. By focusing on what truly matters—student learning—OBC shifts the K-12 marketplace to pay for outcomes, not just services.

Join Us in Transforming Education:

Our vision is ambitious: to reach one million students by 2030, ensuring that two million student outcomes are achieved. But we cannot do this alone. We need the support of communities, educators, leaders, and ambassadors like you. By investing in the Center for OBC, you are investing in a future where educational resources are used efficiently and effectively to improve student outcomes and meet the needs of all students.

The impact of the Center for OBC in helping districts and providers successfully implement OBCs is clear:

  • Districts using OBCs have seen meaningful improvements in student achievement, with funds being directed toward the most effective interventions.
  • School and district leaders report enhanced collaboration with providers and more strategic decision-making under resource constraints.
  • Providers are motivated to innovate and deliver solutions that yield measurable results, knowing their financial rewards are contingent on student success.
  • Students benefit from research-backed interventions that are rigorously implemented and continuously improved.

These outcomes underscore the transformative power of OBC and the importance of the Center for OBC in upholding excellence, clear standards, and best practices in its implementation. Every investment in our work helps create a more equitable and effective education system for all students. Together, we can ensure that every dollar spent in education truly makes a difference in student learning.