Our work to support collaborative partnerships between districts and providers, aimed at increasing student outcomes, would not be possible without the support of our funders and strategic partners. We express our sincerest gratitude to these stakeholders whose commitment will assist in realizing our vision of ensuring one million students benefit from instructional services under outcomes based contracts, and two million student outcomes are met, by the year 2030.


The Center for OBC’s initiatives are made possible through the generous support of our funders. Their investment enables us to drive meaningful change in K-12 education and make a tangible difference in the lives of students.

  • Accelerate
  • America Achieves
  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies
  • Overdeck Family Foundation 
  • Schmidt Family Foundation
  • Walton Family Foundation

Strategic Partners

Our strategic partners play a pivotal role in shaping our programs and resources. They offer invaluable insights, provide technical expertise, evaluate the impact of outcomes based contracts, co-host webinars and learning sessions, and share essential materials for district leaders and providers. Together, we leverage our collective expertise to help districts and providers increase student outcomes.

  • Accelerate
  • America Achieves
  • ASCD
  • Commit
  • Digital Promise
  • Educational Resource Strategies (ERS)
  • The Equity Assistance Center- South (also housed at the Southern Education Foundation)
  • Harvard University
  • InnovateEDU
  • ISTE
  • Learning Engineering Virtual Institute (LEVI)
  • National Student Support Accelerator (NSSA) at Stanford University 
  • Project Unicorn
  • Results for America (RFA)
  • SMJ Communications
  • Third Sector