Patty Foglesong
Patty Foglesong is an experienced leader of business strategy and project management across the education, nonprofit and government sectors. In her current role as a consultant, Patty provides strategic solutions to K-12 educational institutions, including districts, independent and charter schools, as well as nonprofits focused on serving youth. Patty’s current engagement is as lead communications strategist for The Texas Education Exchange, a new data solution that will launch in September 2023.
Patty is a graduate of the 2012-2014 Cohort of the Broad Residency for Urban Education. As a Resident, Patty managed strategic projects in the offices of the Superintendent and Chief Strategy Officer at Fulton County Schools in Atlanta, GA, which included creating the district’s first Innovation Fund, and designing and implementing a metrics dashboard aligned to the strategic plan.
Before her transition into public education through the Broad Residency, Patty held positions with the National Park Service in which she was responsible for creating strategic plans for parks and performing financial valuation of private sector partnerships providing visitor services to the National Park Service’s largest region. Prior to the National Park Service, Patty was a geologist with ExxonMobil and was responsible for identifying and evaluating drill-well prospects, as well as interviewing and recruiting geologists as a member of the geoscience new hire recruiting team.
Patty’s community volunteer roles reflect her commitment to improving outcomes for children and youth. She currently serves as a Trustee of The Galloway School, a member of St. Catherine’s Episcopal Church’s Youth Committee, and a sustaining member of the Junior League of Atlanta.
Patty holds a B.S. from the University of Notre Dame, an M.S. from the University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill, an MBA, and Specialization in Design Thinking from the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia, and an M.Ed. from The Broad Center.