OBC Technical Assistance

The Southern Education Foundation’s OBC initiative offers technical assistance to school districts, Charter Management Organizations (CMOs), and State Education Agencies (SEAs) for the development of an outcomes-based Request for Proposals (RFP) and subsequent contract.

Outcomes Based Contracting requires a substantial part (at least 40%) of payment to a service provider to be contingent on meeting agreed upon student outcomes, helping to ensure public dollars deliver academic impact. OBC empowers organizations to contract for clear student outcomes and compels mutual accountability for achieving them.

The technical assistance support will focus on three key deliverables:

  1. Developing a district-specific comprehensive Request For Proposal (RFP)
  2. Establishing a district and provider-specific contract
  3. Support with developing systems and coaching mechanisms for continuous improvement under Outcomes Based Contracting

Consider this opportunity to improve student outcomes

While this service is substantially supported by philanthropy, there is a fee (range: $16,000 – $44,000) as the scope and intensity of technical assistance will depend on the diverse and unique needs of your organization.

For state education and school district leaders looking to apply or for more information, please use the calendar below to schedule a meeting.